What are polished concrete floors?
Essentially, polished concrete floors are exactly that: concrete floors that have been polished. A previously plain concrete surface is ground (or “cut”) with planetary grinding machines, starting with a fairly coarse diamond cutting process, and then ground and re-ground with increasingly finer diamonds until the surface has become completely smooth.
The finer the grinding, the smoother the finish, until it reaches a “polished” condition.
Polished concrete floors are predominantly used in commercial settings. For instance, next time you’re in a store like Lowes or Home Depot, you will notice how their floors are polished concrete.
The benefits of polished concrete floors are: they’re easier to clean, and they remove potentially dangerous trip hazards.
Polished concrete floors are now being installed in more and more residential locations. Obviously, garages and basements are the most common places for polished concrete but, we are seeing more contemporary homes having polished concrete floors in general living spaces such as living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms and hallways.
Once the concrete floor has been polished, it is perfect for staining or branding with logos or whaever suits the location.